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Today is the launch of a new Women’s Health magazine campaign, #InShapeMyShape. This months cover star Caroline Flack is inviting you to love your body and embrace your shape. Come on ladies, we all have parts of our body that we complain about but how oftern to you celebrate your body? Probably not often enough. […]

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Runners, keep on running . . . but if you haven’t signed up to the YouVsYear run challenge yet, don’t worry it’s not too late. Under Armour is hosting a year long digital run challenge, YouVsYear. The challenge is to run 1000km in 2016! I’ve never tracked my runs for a whole year before but […]

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A few words from Alex about week 2 of training with me. . . Session 2 We start by running for a few minutes to warm up and then head back to my gorgeous, sunny garden for more pain enduring (I mean toning) exercises A blend of cardio exercises, cardio with weights, weights alone and […]

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Earlier this week I started training with a new client, Alexandra Wood. Alex is an award winning bespoke mens suit designer & a mother to three. After the school run, she  heads to her London showroom, based in Savile Row. Oh, and I should probably mention that Alex is getting married next year. Congratulations! Alex has kindly […]

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Often there is an assumption that living well costs a lot. Weekly pilates classes, super food salads and organic face oils all come with a price tag. Of course we don’t have to spend a lot of cash to live a healthy lifestyle, so why does the wellness industry have such an expensive reputation? Is […]

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Ah Friday, it’s good to see you. I’m currently enjoying a restful morning in my baggy jeans after a super busy week of lycra & lunges. Earlier this week I was back at the Akasha Wellness Centre in Hertfordshire. They have just added a new class to their timetable, ‘Cardio Re-former Pilates’. This class promises to […]

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I’m super excited about the launch of Whistles new activewear range in collaboration with Frame studios in Shoreditch. Earlier in the year I took part in the photo shoot for this activewear collection and I have been eagerly awaiting the launch ever since. It was such a fun day and everyone at the studios was […]

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This weekend I was once again in awe of the all those runners that completed the London marathon. Running is very demanding on the body and most runners will experience aches, pains, blisters and sometimes injuries. It is important to protect your body when running regularly and yoga is a great way to strengthen your […]

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Recently I have realised that people seem to make assumptions about me, when they learn that I am personal trainer. It seems that because I promote a healthy active lifestyle and do the school run in my nikes, people expect me to be a marathon runner and only eat organic, vegan, wheat free food. So, if […]

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My yoga journey has reached new heights this week, 800ft above ground to be precise! Yesterday I went to a Yogasphere class at The Shard. The class offers a unique 360 degree view of our capital city at sunrise, not a bad way to start the weekend. I did have to set my alarm for […]