Often there is an assumption that living well costs a lot. Weekly pilates classes, super food salads and organic face oils all come with a price tag. Of course we don’t have to spend a lot of cash to live a healthy lifestyle, so why does the wellness industry have such an expensive reputation?
Is health and wellness a privilege ? If you are living on a tight budget, balancing a busy life, working full time and raising kids, all at the same time, then perhaps rooftop yoga and making super juices could be at the bottom of your to-do list. As a nation that is obsessed with diets and exercise, apparently, we are spending thousands of pounds each year on ‘being fit’. However, some of the healthiest countries in the world are not the richest, so do we need to spend a lot to stay in shape?
The stats show that the residents of Sweden are some of the healthiest and happiest people on earth. They have a good work/life balance and are expected to live longer than us Brits. Due to the countries beautiful landscape of mountains and lakes, the Swedes enjoy being active outdoors and this leads to both a healthy mind and body.
So how can we start living a healthier life for less? Before you book a one way flight to Sweden maybe try some of these savvy health hints –
Get Walking. Walking should not be over looked when considering your fitness regime. Walking is highly effective for weight lose, is great for boosting your mood and it’s completely free. Try walking for 30 mins a few time each week. Lace up your trainers for the school run instead of your sandals and race the kids home.
Grow Your Own. Buying fresh herbs and spices can be very expensive and they don’t last very long. You don’t need much space to grow your own in the garden or on the kitchen window sill. Plus it’s great for the kids, they will love watering the plants and watching them grow.
Keep It Cool. Utilise your freezer. You can save a lot of money and reduce your weekly food waste by freezing fruit, veggies & left overs.
Read Foodie Blogs. There are so many great food blogs out there, you can grab some new recipes and food inspiration. Many blogs have super savvy tips on how to feed the family on a budget. Check out The Skint Foodie
Living Room Workouts. There are some great YouTube channels for fitness & yoga tutorials. However, I wouldn’t advise trying out any crazy new acrobatic moves if you are home alone, safety first ladies.
App-solutely. Get a personal trainer on your phone. There are apps for everything from calorie counters to pedometers & run trackers. Most of them are free or cost less than £3 to download. If you need a virtual kick up the bum, head to the app store now and search fitness.
Ditch the fancy fads and see how much you can save this summer. Let’s get fit for free!