Confessions of a Personal Trainer.

  1. sherrylyne says:

    I have just found your blog through Tots100, it’s so refreshing xx

  2. Adrienne says:

    Thank you Sherrylyne, I’m glad you like it xx

  3. This is so refreshing! The exercise but but also about food. The whole ‘never eat bread, sugar…etc’ is so full on and I don’t think much a long-term plan for people struggling with weight or diet. And I freakin’ love Nutella. (And peanut butter…). Really nice to read more about you. X

    • Adrienne says:

      Thank you Steph. Everyone needs to do what works for them, some people prefer an ‘all or nothing’ approach, but for others a ‘little and often’ is better. There are so many mixed messages when it comes to food, I’m hoping one day somebody will declare that Nutella is a ‘superfood’ too! 🙂 x

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