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We can of course change our habits an behaviours, initially this requires an intently act. For example, let’s say you want to get fitter. You buy a pair of running shoes and you go out for a run. The intentional act is done. But one run doesn’t make you fit. So this is where consistency comes in, if you then continue to run three times each week, running becomes a part of your routine, it becomes a habit.

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Last week I was invited by Urban Decay cosmetics to deliver a talk about confidence & self love. Here’s what I had to say… CONFIDENCE IS NOT SOMETHING THAT YOU ARE BORN WITH OR WITHOUT. I believe that confidence is not something that you are born with or with out. It is not a personality […]

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‘Do you ever have days when you can’t face hitting the gym or going for a run?
How do we motivate ourselves on those kind of days, and also when we’re
just too busy to do it?’

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This spring I’ve teamed up with VeryUK to share my ‘Everyday Life Goals’ aka the simple things in my life that make a really big difference! My life is mega busy right now! I’m working on lots of different projects, preparing for our next Get To KNOW event, training for a marathon, and Jude is […]

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Now this is a tricky one for me. Does such a thing even exist when you run your own business? and you’re the co-founder of a start up? The line between work and life is very thin for me. Personally, I don’t have a problem with that but I do feel a pressure from other people.

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Imagine, what would happen if we actually did all the things that we said we were going to do?

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On Sunday evening I went on Instagram live for fifteen minutes to talk about motivation. I wanted to share a positive message and to encourage others to start the week feeling good. I’ve been asked a few times recently, ‘Why do you talk about motivation so much and what motivates you? Well, where should I […]

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If you’ve been lacking in motivation lately, and you keep starting over again, then maybe try focusing on how you feel instead of how you look.

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I truly believe that it is never too late to start a brand new chapter of your life. I’m turning thirty later this year and I have huge ambitions of the future. I honestly feel like I’m just getting started! Maybe it’s taken me until now to really figure out what I want to do, […]

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This week I’ve been doing a fifteen minute talk on instagram live each morning at 6.45am. It’s something I’ve wanted to do it for a while because I thought it would be a cool way to share my ideas about self motivation as well as answering questions and having more of a two way chat. […]