This spring I’ve teamed up with VeryUK to share my ‘Everyday Life Goals’ aka the simple things in my life that make a really big difference!
My life is mega busy right now! I’m working on lots of different projects, preparing for our next Get To KNOW event, training for a marathon, and Jude is at home for two weeks as it’s school Easter holidays. I am forever trying to ensure a good work life balance but it’s a struggle. If I notice myself getting stressed out or overwhelmed, then I have to take a step back, log out of my email account and spend a few hours doing something fun.
Here are my favourite ways to boost your mood and get you mojo back…
I absolutely love listening to music! Whether I’m cooking at home, driving to the city, or out running in the morning, I’ve always got a playlist ready. If I’m feeling a little flat, I’ll listen to my diva playlist, turn it up loud and sing along at the top of my voice. Starting the day with Whitney and Mariah is always guaranteed to put me in a good mood. (I’m not sure that my neighbours would agree.)
I can’t sit still for too long, it’s not good for my creativity or my productivity. So, if my to-do list is mega long, I schedule breaks and I use these breaks to move. Often I’ll go out for a fifteen minute walk, getting outside everyday is essential for good mental health. If I’m in inside then I’ll just do some squats, lunges and downward dogs in the hallway. I have to make time to move, it helps me to stop and reset, and it always boosts my mood. FYI that’s why I’m always wearing leggings! These black ones are adidas from VeryUK.
Anyone that’s ever met me for longer than thirty seconds will know that I love to talk! Whilst I’m aware that this isn’t always a good thing, I’ve accepted that it’s just who I am. I love to talk and I love to be around people. If I’m mega busy working, even tho a lot of my work is very social, I also have days when I’m at home alone, chained to my laptop for six hours straight or days when I have to wait in airport for four hours on my own.
I know that talking always lifts me up and boosts my mood, I am Little Miss Chatterbox. I spend enough time typing so if you need to get my attention, forget WhatsApp, just call me baby!
Brighten up your day. It’s impossible to feel flat when you’re wearing a bright red jumper or a pair of lemon yellow jeans. I’m not sure about the exact science behind it, but I encourage you to try it and see for yourself.
Try something new, change your routine, shake things up. If you’re really struggling to get out of a bad mood, try doing something totally brand new. When I was younger, I always used to love moving my bedroom furniture around. It felt like I was creating a new space for myself, just by pushing my bed over to the other side of the room. Now though, if I need a change, it could just be getting my hair cut, buying something new to wear, like this burnt red adidas hoody form Very which I’m loving! or reading a fiction book. Change is good.
So that’s it, I hope that you’ll try out a couple of these, next time you need a boost. Here are a few more snaps of my athleisure outfit from VeryUK.
Jumperclick here Leggingsclick here
*This post is a partnership with VeryUK