What Are You Waiting For?

  1. Anonymous says:

    This post is absolutely spot on! I read a lot of posts on self improvement and motivation but this is post raises awareness of all the main issues that I can relate with. Perfectionism, procrastination, bravery, discipline, self acceptance an patience all wrapped up perfectly. Thank you Adrienne!

  2. Anonymous says:

    This post is absolutely spot on! I read a lot of posts on self improvement and motivation but this is post raises awareness of all the main issues that I can relate with. Perfectionism, procrastination, bravery, discipline, self acceptance an patience all wrapped up perfectly. Thank you Adrienne!

  3. […] I commend her courage for speaking up, and just want to add… me too. • Adrienne’s post, giving some full on motivation that I totally need to hear right now. • Anna’s post for […]

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