You’re never too old, it’s never too late.

  1. Azzurra says:

    Thank you Adrienne! This post means the world to me! I’ve been working in the design industry for 6 years now just to discover that I don’t like it anymore. November 2016 I decided to follow my passion and became a yoga teacher, but now I feel stuck I don’t know what to do. Leaving my well paid job to follow the unkwon. I would like to start doing YouTube video for beginners yoga in my mothertongue but I feel like I’mnot good enough. I don’t feel confident propose myself to yoga studio cause I feel I don’t have enough experience…. the only think I am sure of is the fact that I want to make women embrace their self and love their bodies. Thank you for your words. Can’t wait to find out your new idea!

    • Adrienne says:

      Good for you. I’m sure that your confidence will grow as you practice and teach more classes. The hardest bit is getting started and you’ve already done that. Good luck xxx oh and make some YouTube videos, you’ve got nothing to loose.

  2. Thank you Adrienne for a great post! I have only been doing a Personal Training course for a few months and was beginning to doubt my chances of getting into UNI because I am over the age of 21 with no experience of working in a gym. However, I have got the passion for sport and fitness and will never give up because I know where I want to be in life. Looking forward to reading about your new idea!

  3. speak766 says:

    Really inspiring post. You’re right – it’s never too late to start over. Thank you for the reminder. Wish you the best – speak766

  4. Dana says:

    This is my first visit to your blog- and I’m really glad to have found it! I loved reading your post, I’m approaching my 29th birthday (later this month) and have all these exact thoughts in my head. I’m in the beginning of making a change in my life, in many aspects… especially with everything that has to do with work and what I want to do with my life. I’m always trying to tell myself that it’s never too late- but it sure is nice to hear it from others! 🙂 so thanks, looking forward to reading more of your posts. Cheers!

    • Adrienne says:

      Hey Dana, thanks for your kind words. Honestly, I’ve achieved more in the last 3 years than I could have ever imagined. Whatever you want to do, just go for it! Ages really doesn’t matter at all xx

  5. The Highs says:

    This blog is great, I have started ‘fresh starts’ and career changes many times and am heading for a new one early next year…always a but scary but Its not worth staying stuck where you are and being unhappy. H x

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