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Today, I started a new page on my site called YouCAN.  Every Sunday I will be a sharing a new message on this page to encourage and to motivate you to do more, to become more and to help you achieve success. My first post is all about navigating a quarter life crisis, (yes that […]

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Life lately …

It’s May and it finally feels like spring has sprung! I’m loving my early morning runs in the sunshine. I’ve ditched my coat and I’m living in these yellow jeans from Monki.

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Whether I’m going away for one night or one week, I have a travel checklist at the back of my notebook that I always use. Life’s busy and often I don’t have a lot of time to pack, so having this list already written out, makes it mega easy. I’m currently sitting on the Eurostar […]

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I get asked quite a few of the same questions each week on Instagram DM, so I thought I’d share some of the most frequently asked questions here… (I also get some very random ones too so I shall I leave them all as anonymous)  Do you workout or run everyday ? No. I usually […]

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Now this is a tricky one for me. Does such a thing even exist when you run your own business? and you’re the co-founder of a start up? The line between work and life is very thin for me. Personally, I don’t have a problem with that but I do feel a pressure from other people.

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… I left that event feeling both inspired and empowered and also proud to be a woman. 2018 is an incredible time to be a woman. We have a voice and the world is listening. Let’s make everyday, International women’s day! 

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I know that a lot of people are taking on Veganuary but by now you might be starting to lack motivation. So, I’ve teamed up with Iceland to showcase more ways to eat well… Here are my 5 Tips for staying motivated and on track with #Veganuary 1. Be prepared! When I’ve got a mega […]

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2017 has been jam packed and non stop! I started the year with a pretty clear vision and lots of ambitious plans, but somewhere along the way I got a little distracted. Luckily, I figured it out pretty quickly (with a little help from my girls) and I’m heading towards the end of the year […]

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Whether you’ve just started a personal blog or you’re using social media to promote your business or brand, we all know that in 2017, social media is important. The online world is fast and it’s 24/7 so it can be hard to keep up, but, you don’t need to spend every hour of everyday on your phone…

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Imagine, what would happen if we actually did all the things that we said we were going to do?