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Do you have any siblings? Yes, I have an older sister (36), a younger sister (27) and a younger brother (23). Do you have any tattoos? No, not yet. I go through phases of looking at tattoo’s on Pinterest and saving all of my faves. I’m an all or nothing person and I have an […]

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Are you addicted to coffee? Many people confess to being addicted to their daily caffeine fix. They drink one or two cups of coffee every single day and to be honest, most people are genuinely shocked when I tell them that I don’t drink coffee.

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Standing in a crowd of forty seven thousand runners is pretty incredible! As I ran across the start line, I was buzzing! I had spotted a pacer and decided to stick with him until the half way point.

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This summer has been crazy fun & mega busy! Hence I haven’t updated my blog in a while… So , here’s what I’ve been up to lately… TEDx Talk At the start of this year, I wrote down a list of goals for 2018. I also wrote down my ten year goals. (yes I am […]

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We can of course change our habits an behaviours, initially this requires an intently act. For example, let’s say you want to get fitter. You buy a pair of running shoes and you go out for a run. The intentional act is done. But one run doesn’t make you fit. So this is where consistency comes in, if you then continue to run three times each week, running becomes a part of your routine, it becomes a habit.

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How great is this heatwave!  I am totally loving it, but training for a marathon in 30 degree heat has been tough! I’m doing my best to stay hydrated by drinking lots before, during and after exercise. I’m also not drinking alcohol at the moment, due to my early morning running routine. Try to take on a ten mile training run with a hangover is not fun at all!

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Last week I was invited by Urban Decay cosmetics to deliver a talk about confidence & self love. Here’s what I had to say… CONFIDENCE IS NOT SOMETHING THAT YOU ARE BORN WITH OR WITHOUT. I believe that confidence is not something that you are born with or with out. It is not a personality […]

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How great is this weather! I am totally loving the summer heatwave. Over the last few weeks, I have switched up my skin care routine, my main focus is on sun protection, deep cleansing and hydration. Running outside is apparently not very good for your skin, especially running in the sun. I try to run […]

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@Estelle_trouilloud Estelle’s beautiful photographs make me want to relocate to the mountains! She is self confessed outdoor sports addict, oh and she has the most beautiful dog too! @Maxwilco Max is an endurance athlete, producer, photographer & consultant at WeAre:TrackHouse. Max’s dedication to running is mega inspiring! & he knows his stuff when it comes […]

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… you can choose which classes and which trainers you want to workout with. It’s like Netflix for fitness!