Berlin Marathon

  1. Alex says:

    Well done on getting so far with a swollen foot. I know how painful that can be. Good job and you’ll be back!

  2. Kate says:

    Impressive determination…. you will be back stronger. I have to keep believing that too as I’m stuck in bed with a broken ankle. Broke it the day before my first triathlon and the surgeon has said I may never run again.

  3. Wow! You ran So Far, even with the pain! Well done for all that you did! You shrouding feel so proud of yourself! xx

  4. Angela says:

    Totally gutting when you’ve worked so hard for it! BUT you should be SUPER proud of youself for getting so far and I am 100% sure it takes a stronger person to give in to look after yourself than it does to keep going with an injury!

  5. Heidi says:

    You inspire me everyday.

  6. […] up and give it my best shot and that is exactly what I did. I wrote a full post about it… click here Public failure is tough but I no longer feel embarrassed or disappointed. To quote Charlie Dark […]

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