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Here is the recipe for my breakfast wrap. We are all usually up by 7am in our house, I know that this is probably considered a lye in for some of you. [Mothers to those 5am wakers, I salute you!] I used to love having cereal, fruits and honey for breakfast but recently I have made […]

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  Today I had a delicious lunch with my friend & wonderful cook Sylvia. She made us a vegetable Wok Soup. It’s really simple and quick to make so I thought I’d share the recipe here on the blog.  It only took 15 minutes to make this dish, ideal if you want to make a […]

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I have not always been a big fan of smoothies, many packaged fruity drinks that claim to be ‘healthy’ are actually packed full of sugar. I think it’s best to make your own fresh smoothies when possible. Once you’ve blended up a batch you can easily store it in the fridge or freezer for the […]

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Today was another lazy Sunday in our house. [Although, I did run 6 miles before breakfast, so not that lazy.] Recently, I have been inspired by Ella Woodward, her food always looks so tasty and colourful, she’s changed the reputation of wheat free food. I love cooking and this afternoon I made us a super […]

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Sometimes, mornings are so busy that I don’t have much time to eat breakfast let alone prepare it. Here is my recipe for breakfast muffins, they are super easy to make and will last for 3 or 4 days. I made some this afternoon with the help of my 3 year old son, he enjoyed watching […]

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Easy Peasy Vegan Pasta This is my quick spaghetti supper recipe, it literally takes 10 minutes. My son calls it ‘Mummy’s green spaghetti’ Ingredients. 1 bunch of fresh Basil 1 bunch of Baby Spinach 2 tbsp Olive Oil Fresh Garlic Alpro Soya Cream Method. Boil the pasta for 8-10 minutes. Blend all of the above ingredients […]