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This weekends brunch is inspired by Chanel 4’s Eat The Week with Iceland. Each week there is a new episode that showcases recipe ideas for busy families.

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This morning Jude and I made pancakes for breakfast. Like most four year olds, Jude has his favourite dishes but I try and encourage him to eat a variety of different things. He loves helping me in the kitchen and I love watching him discover new foods. Recently, I’ve noticed that Jude has become more […]

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This one is delicious !!! 1/2 a tsp Cinnamon 1/2 a tsp Cocoa Almond Milk 1 Banana One tsp of Almond Butter One tsp of Nutella 2 Ice Cubes I love this smoothie as a sweet treat, it’s the perfect recovery drink after a tough workout. I have been gradually increasing my running milage over […]

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Earlier this week I attended a party at Frame Kings Cross to celebrate the opening of their awesome new fitness studios! I left the party with a bag packed full of healthy goodies, one of which was a pack of Naturya Organic Wheatgrass Powder. I’ve only ever had fresh wheatgrass shots from juice bars before, […]

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Soya Milk, Strawberries, Blueberries, Banana & Mint. This mornings strawberry milkshake. . . . Top Tip – I always have berries in the freezer, that way if I haven’t been shopping and we’re out of fresh fruit, I can just add a few frozen berries to a smoothie or to my porridge etc. Jude calls […]

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This milkshake is sooooo delicious!! & it’s the perfect refuel after my friday morning run. Here is my super simple recipe for the ultimate dairy free banana milkshake! Blend one large banana, half a glass of soya milk, a couple of ice cubes & . . . (one big spoonful of Sweedish Glace Vanilla Soya […]

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Today, I felt tired & I needed a bit of a boost. I resisted the temptation to grab a spoon and dive head first into the Nutella jar! Instead I made this delicious smoothie . . . Coconut water is packed full of goodness, it’s great for rehydrating after exercise. (Also a good hangover cure) […]

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This smoothie has only 4 ingredients but it is packed full of goodness. Blueberries have a high fibre content, which is great for boosting your digestion & they also contain a huge amount of Vitamin C. Eating these little super berries will give your gut & your skin some TLC. Ingredients – Half a cup […]

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Today, I made this delicious smoothie for breakfast. Berries have a long list of benefits from improving the health of your heart, to giving your skin a boost. Bottom line is, they are good for you! I keep berries in the freezer at all times, perfect for making smoothies & pancakes. Ingredients  Strawberries Blueberries Blackberries […]

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This weeks miniature heat wave has left us feeling thirsty! Here is my recipe for our favourite summer smoothie. Ingredients 2 Handfuls of Cherries. (remove the stones) 1 Handful of Frozen Blueberries 1 Handful of Strawberries A few Ice Cubes Fresh Mint A squeeze of Lemon Juice 2 Tbsp Alpro Vanilla Soya Yoghurt Blend all […]