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We can of course change our habits an behaviours, initially this requires an intently act. For example, let’s say you want to get fitter. You buy a pair of running shoes and you go out for a run. The intentional act is done. But one run doesn’t make you fit. So this is where consistency comes in, if you then continue to run three times each week, running becomes a part of your routine, it becomes a habit.

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Last week I was invited by Urban Decay cosmetics to deliver a talk about confidence & self love. Here’s what I had to say… CONFIDENCE IS NOT SOMETHING THAT YOU ARE BORN WITH OR WITHOUT. I believe that confidence is not something that you are born with or with out. It is not a personality […]

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@Estelle_trouilloud Estelle’s beautiful photographs make me want to relocate to the mountains! She is self confessed outdoor sports addict, oh and she has the most beautiful dog too! @Maxwilco Max is an endurance athlete, producer, photographer & consultant at WeAre:TrackHouse. Max’s dedication to running is mega inspiring! & he knows his stuff when it comes […]

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… you can choose which classes and which trainers you want to workout with. It’s like Netflix for fitness! 

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‘Do you ever have days when you can’t face hitting the gym or going for a run?
How do we motivate ourselves on those kind of days, and also when we’re
just too busy to do it?’

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Life lately …

It’s May and it finally feels like spring has sprung! I’m loving my early morning runs in the sunshine. I’ve ditched my coat and I’m living in these yellow jeans from Monki.

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Whether I’m going away for one night or one week, I have a travel checklist at the back of my notebook that I always use. Life’s busy and often I don’t have a lot of time to pack, so having this list already written out, makes it mega easy. I’m currently sitting on the Eurostar […]

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As for ‘rest days’ there is no set amount that is right or wrong but unfortunately most people aren’t resting enough. 

Here are a few signs that you need to rest and sleep more…

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Within minutes of crossing the finish line of my first ever marathon, I said to my husband, ‘I’m never doing that again!’ and in that moment, I truly thought that London 2017 would be my first and last marathon. One year later and I am about to embark upon my twenty week training program, to […]

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I get asked quite a few of the same questions each week on Instagram DM, so I thought I’d share some of the most frequently asked questions here… (I also get some very random ones too so I shall I leave them all as anonymous)  Do you workout or run everyday ? No. I usually […]