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How many times a week should I run? Will I get injured if I run too much?’ I get a lot of questions about running, recovery, and injuries so I thought I’d share my top tips in one post …

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At the end of last year, one evening in the week between Christmas & New Years, I took a huge piece of card from Jude’s desk and I sat on the floor in the lounge. I had four different coloured sharpies and I started to write a plan for the year ahead. I wrote 2018 […]

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So I understand and accept that habits are critical for achieving any goal, but the question I want to know is HOW to make good habits.

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It’s been a while since my last blog update, life lately has been pretty busy. (as usual!) Here’s what I’ve been up to lately…

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How Often Do You Workout? I train 5 times each week. (This is usually 3 runs and 2 workouts.) My rest days are usually Tuesday and Friday. If I’m training for a race then I will usually drop a workout to focus my energy on my run days, especially if the weekend run is long […]

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Okay, so the time has finally come. I’m equally excited, overwhelmed and kinda terrified… we are buying a house!! Yikes! Well, that’s the goal, we’ve been saving for almost two years and now we need to apply for a mortgage. As a self-employed freelancer, I’ve been told by many people that getting a mortgage is a […]

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Do you have any siblings? Yes, I have an older sister (36), a younger sister (27) and a younger brother (23). Do you have any tattoos? No, not yet. I go through phases of looking at tattoo’s on Pinterest and saving all of my faves. I’m an all or nothing person and I have an […]

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Are you addicted to coffee? Many people confess to being addicted to their daily caffeine fix. They drink one or two cups of coffee every single day and to be honest, most people are genuinely shocked when I tell them that I don’t drink coffee.

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Standing in a crowd of forty seven thousand runners is pretty incredible! As I ran across the start line, I was buzzing! I had spotted a pacer and decided to stick with him until the half way point.

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This summer has been crazy fun & mega busy! Hence I haven’t updated my blog in a while… So , here’s what I’ve been up to lately… TEDx Talk At the start of this year, I wrote down a list of goals for 2018. I also wrote down my ten year goals. (yes I am […]