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I’m so excited to announce that you can now train with me anywhere, anytime! I have joined the team at FIIT to film my own workout series.

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What a summer! It’s been so amazing and I really can’t believe that it’s September already. Here’s the latest …

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JUNE.17 It’s been a busy couple of weeks, here’s what’s been keeping me busy… LIVE CHAT I started the month by hosting a week of live chats on Instagram. Each morning I logged in at 6.45am to share a message of morning motivation. It was pretty cool to answer questions and also to see people logging […]

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Last week I was invited to ‘Bootcamp and Brunch’ at The Wellesley Knightsbridge, a Luxury Collection Hotel, London, with personal trainer Matt Roberts. What a fab way to start the week! I arrived on Sunday evening ahead of the early morning bootcamp. The hotel is absolutely stunning, I stayed in the first floor suite which […]

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It’s already the second week in January! Apparently the third week of the month (Monday 16th to be specific) is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year. Yikes! That’s when lots of people quit their new resolutions, the weather is grey and cold and everyone realises that they have about £15 to […]

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Earlier this year I teamed up with Stylist magazine to share my top tips for winter training. It can be hard to motivate yourself when it’s grey and cold outside, here’s how I’m planning to keep on track. Take Time For You – We all have mega busy lives. Don’t let work, kids, and other […]

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Last night I led a run through East London to road test the adidas red pureBOOSTX shoes. The shoes are designed specifically for women’s feet, I’ve been running in them for a month for my 5K a day run challenge, PBX are my new favourite footwear! The ladies arrived at 6pm and swapped their kicks […]

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Last week I was invited to join ‘The Pack’ spin class at Virgin Active. A 60 minute class where three teams compete in four mega tough challenges. The class is super fun and really brings out your competitive spirit! I was the pack leader for the fitness family team. I was joined by bloggers Hannah […]

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Sunday 12th June . . . I arrived at Wembley Stadium beneath a sky of grey clouds. I am an eternal optimist and so of course I had my sunglasses ready in anticipation. The Colour Run is titled the ‘Happiest 5K on the planet’, as we warmed up and danced our way to the start […]

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It’s marathon week! This Sunday over 38,000 runners will hit the road and race through London to complete the London marathon. The route starts in Blackheath, runners will make their way through the city, passing some of London’s most iconic landmarks and finishing at The Mall. The 26.2 mile race will be televised to 196 countries […]