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How many times a week should I run? Will I get injured if I run too much?’ I get a lot of questions about running, recovery, and injuries so I thought I’d share my top tips in one post …

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It’s finally here! Last week I launched my brand new podcast show, the Power Hour! So far, the response has been incredible. Within the first twelve hours the show was in the top 5 rated podcasts in iTunes. Madness!!

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Are you addicted to coffee? Many people confess to being addicted to their daily caffeine fix. They drink one or two cups of coffee every single day and to be honest, most people are genuinely shocked when I tell them that I don’t drink coffee.

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… you can choose which classes and which trainers you want to workout with. It’s like Netflix for fitness! 

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So, if you’re tempted to visit Lake Como this summer, here’s what you need to know…

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‘Do you ever have days when you can’t face hitting the gym or going for a run?
How do we motivate ourselves on those kind of days, and also when we’re
just too busy to do it?’

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As a personal trainer and a Mum, I’m often asked for advice when it comes to pre and
postnatal fitness. Exercising whilst pregnant often sparks debate and many pregnant women are unsure of the do’s and don’ts.

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Life lately …

It’s May and it finally feels like spring has sprung! I’m loving my early morning runs in the sunshine. I’ve ditched my coat and I’m living in these yellow jeans from Monki.

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This spring I’ve teamed up with VeryUK to share my ‘Everyday Life Goals’ aka the simple things in my life that make a really big difference! My life is mega busy right now! I’m working on lots of different projects, preparing for our next Get To KNOW event, training for a marathon, and Jude is […]

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Whether I’m going away for one night or one week, I have a travel checklist at the back of my notebook that I always use. Life’s busy and often I don’t have a lot of time to pack, so having this list already written out, makes it mega easy. I’m currently sitting on the Eurostar […]