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How many times a week should I run? Will I get injured if I run too much?’ I get a lot of questions about running, recovery, and injuries so I thought I’d share my top tips in one post …

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Earlier this month I visited Cape Town for the first time. To be totally honest, I didn’t know very much about South Africa and it wasn’t somewhere that I’d ever considered adding to my travel wish list. A few days before Christmas, I got the confirmation of the shoot dates and location from the adidas […]

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Running is a constant challenge. Running answers my questions. Running can never be conquered. Running will change your life.

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The last six weeks have been mega busy, here’s an update on what I’ve been up to both on and offline…

Houston, we have lift off!! We hosted the Get TO KNOW launch event in September at the Hoxton hotel in Shoreditch. It was an incredible night of learning, inspiring and celebrating women!

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Where adidas studio London, 152 Brick Lane When  Saturday 10.30am Who adidas runners I’ve joined the adidas runners for 3 unique REMIX run sessions. Don’t worry if you missed the first two, make sure you sign up for the finale on Saturday 30th September. Lace up and join us at 152 Brick lane at 10am, […]

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What’s it all about?  Why is it happen? Who’s getting involved?

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JUNE.17 It’s been a busy couple of weeks, here’s what’s been keeping me busy… LIVE CHAT I started the month by hosting a week of live chats on Instagram. Each morning I logged in at 6.45am to share a message of morning motivation. It was pretty cool to answer questions and also to see people logging […]

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I truly believe that it is never too late to start a brand new chapter of your life. I’m turning thirty later this year and I have huge ambitions of the future. I honestly feel like I’m just getting started! Maybe it’s taken me until now to really figure out what I want to do, […]

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I’d be lying if I said that I enjoyed every minute of it but it is life experience that I will never forget. We never really know what we’re capable of until we try.

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I’m letting go of any pressure and letting go of my ego. I believe that anyone who is willing to take on a marathon is incredibly brave and I’ll be proud to cross the finish line, even if it takes me all day!