Introducing… Get To Know

  1. Natasha says:

    Wicked babes, looking forward to the launch! xx

  2. […] Get To KNOW It’s all happening !! Our launch event is officially SOLD OUT and I can not wait for this to kick off! If you don’t know about ‘Get To KNOW’ … click here for all of the info  […]

  3. […] I co-founded a women’s only networking community alongside two of my best mates! We launched Get To KNOW in September and we had no idea how quickly it would grow. We began by hosting a series of events, […]

  4. […] I listened to the other two guest speak as well as sharing my insights and the story behind GetToKnow . I left that event feeling both inspired and empowered and also proud to be a woman. 2018 is an […]

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