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Milk, cheese & yoghurts are common in most peoples diets, so why are so many of us deciding to go dairy free? Here are my top 5 reasons to ditch dairy. 1. Beat the Bloat. We all want a flat toned tummy, but before you start doing an intensive abdominal work out, maybe try going […]

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#IQS I am reading a book at the moment called ‘I Quit Sugar‘ by Sarah Wilson. The Australian best selling book is effectively a recipe book designed to help you detox and reduce your sugar intake. The book suggests that all sugar should be limited, including so called ‘healthy’ sugars like fruit and honey. It […]

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10 Reasons to Start the Day with Lemons. It’s super hydrating!Lemons contain potassium, magnesium and calcium. It’s cleansing! Water and lemon help to aid your digestive system and regulates bowel movement. It’s great for your skin! Lemons contain Vitamin C and staying hydrating will rejuvenate your skin. It boosts your mood! Water and lemon can […]