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Last week I met up with the lovely Natalie Goodchild for breakfast at 26 Grains. A tiny porridge restaurant that specialises in delicious wholesome grain based dishes. We had trouble deciding what to order from their mouth watering menu, as everything looked so delicious. In the end, I ordered a bowl of Banana & Cocao […]

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Today, I felt tired & I needed a bit of a boost. I resisted the temptation to grab a spoon and dive head first into the Nutella jar! Instead I made this delicious smoothie . . . Coconut water is packed full of goodness, it’s great for rehydrating after exercise. (Also a good hangover cure) […]

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Earlier this week I was invited to the book launch of Lorna Jane Clarkson’s latest book, INSPIRED. This hardback book has 208 pages of delicious recipes, beautiful photography exercise guides and inspiring messages. This book is designed to inspire us all to live a healthy, active & happy life. The book launch was held at […]

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Earlier this week I went along to an awesome yoga class with my favourite yogi in town, Steffy White. Everyone knows that I am a huge fan of Steffy’s kick ass classes, it’s a great workout for the whole body and the energy was super uplifting. Steffy challenges you to push yourself and to be […]

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I am so happy to see the sun shinning! This week, to make the most of this great weather, I have been training with my clients outside. We’ve been running, lunging, stretching and sweating! It’s important to stay hydrated after a tough workout, especially during the summer.  I recently discovered Infruition water bottles, at the […]

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This weekend I went to Vogue Festival to listen to a talk with four of the best health and wellness industry pioneers. The talk was titled CHANGE YOUR LIFE, I had confidence in the impressive line up of experts. Andy Puddicombe – Founder of Headspace. A former monk with a degree in circus arts. Headspace […]

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Recently I have realised that people seem to make assumptions about me, when they learn that I am personal trainer. It seems that because I promote a healthy active lifestyle and do the school run in my nikes, people expect me to be a marathon runner and only eat organic, vegan, wheat free food. So, if […]

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At the start of the year, we often have resolutions to get active and fit. Many of us start off strong for a week or two in January, but, it’s not long until we’re stealing our kids sweets and wondering if that blackberry gin & tonic counts as one of your five-a-day. Here are my top […]

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I’m 12 days in to the prAna yoga challenge. I have been lunging, stretching and breathing deeply each day. I am really enjoying it! This week, I tried Iyengar yoga for the first time. I had a quick chat with the instructor at the end of the class, coincidentally her name was Adrienne too! I told […]

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Could you go vegan? I tried it once . . . ‘I have a lot of friends that are vegans and I know that they will be cheering me on. I am challenging myself to see if I can actually do this. I like to think that I am not naive about where our food […]