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Over the last few years I’ve tried a ton of different skin care routines, and I’ve figured out exactly what works for my skin. During the winter months I know that I need to hydrate my skin as much as possible. Running outside in the cold in the morning and spending time indoors with heating […]

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Often when I talk about the Power Hour and about getting up early in the morning, the first question that I get asked is, “What time do you go to bed?’ To be honest I used to be a night owl and I’d stay up until at least midnight every night, but you can’t stay […]

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Okay let’s be honest, it is absolutely freezing at the moment and the temptation to stay indoors and hibernate is overwhelming! But, if you know me, then you’ll know that I can’t sit still for very long. I am training more than ever right now as this year I am running my first ever marathon! […]

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Whilst I was out shopping recently, a sales assistant at a beauty counter asked me if I needed any help. I was looking a little dazed and confused at the huge amount of beauty lotions and potions on offer. She then asked me what my current skin care regime was and what products I liked to […]