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Within minutes of crossing the finish line of my first ever marathon, I said to my husband, ‘I’m never doing that again!’ and in that moment, I truly thought that London 2017 would be my first and last marathon. One year later and I am about to embark upon my twenty week training program, to […]

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This weekend I received a ‘Keep On Running’ journal from Paperchase, it could not have come at a better time! In less than four weeks, I will begin training for the Berlin Marathon. Last year I completed my first marathon in London and it was tough! I trained for fifteen weeks, a combination of endurance […]

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For the last four weeks I have been running (A LOT) in the brand new women’s running shoe, the  ultraBOOSTX. Adidas have created a shoe, specifically designed for the female athlete. It is a fusion of two of my favourite running shoes, the ultraBOOST and the pureBOOSTX. One of the things that I love the […]

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Okay let’s be honest, it is absolutely freezing at the moment and the temptation to stay indoors and hibernate is overwhelming! But, if you know me, then you’ll know that I can’t sit still for very long. I am training more than ever right now as this year I am running my first ever marathon! […]