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In just four weeks time, I’ll be lacing up and heading to the start line of the London marathon. This is going to be a huge challenge for me, for so many reasons. I’ve been road running for the last three years, however, I’ve always enjoyed running shorter speedy races. I’ve completed lots of 5K […]

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Up for a challenge? This summer I’ll be running 5K everyday throughout August. I’m currently reading a book about habits, apparently it is human nature to constantly repeat things that we do each day, both good and bad. (oh hey Nutella) Personally, I think that I have quite an addictive personality, I never do anything […]

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Runners, keep on running . . . but if you haven’t signed up to the YouVsYear run challenge yet, don’t worry it’s not too late. Under Armour is hosting a year long digital run challenge, YouVsYear. The challenge is to run 1000km in 2016! I’ve never tracked my runs for a whole year before but […]

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Have you even been tempted to become a vegan? I have a few vegan friends & although these days it seems like all of the ‘cool kids’ are giving it a go, it’s not as easy as simply ordering a bean burger & switching to soya. Veganism isn’t just about what you eat, it causes […]

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At the start of the year, we often have resolutions to get active and fit. Many of us start off strong for a week or two in January, but, it’s not long until we’re stealing our kids sweets and wondering if that blackberry gin & tonic counts as one of your five-a-day. Here are my top […]

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So today is Day 1 of the prAna yoga challenge. I’m feeling super motivated, I hope that I can keep it up for a whole 30 days. Today I worked on my headstand. Apparently we should all be doing headstands everyday. It’s a great way to improve your upper body strength and work your deep core ab […]

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On Monday I will be joining the prAna #taketheleap Yoga challenge. The challenge is to do yoga everyday for 30 days. It can be as little as 5 minutes each day, I am going to aim for 30 mins. I usually only do one class a week, so I am going to try to be […]

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Could you go vegan? I tried it once . . . ‘I have a lot of friends that are vegans and I know that they will be cheering me on. I am challenging myself to see if I can actually do this. I like to think that I am not naive about where our food […]