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What a summer! It’s been so amazing and I really can’t believe that it’s September already. Here’s the latest …

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JUNE.17 It’s been a busy couple of weeks, here’s what’s been keeping me busy… LIVE CHAT I started the month by hosting a week of live chats on Instagram. Each morning I logged in at 6.45am to share a message of morning motivation. It was pretty cool to answer questions and also to see people logging […]

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I spent last weekend at Boardmasters festival on the beautiful Cornish coastline. As a total festival newbie, I didn’t really know what to expect, I’ve never even camped overnight in a tent before, but as always I was optimistic and pretty excited about the trip. I borrowed a tent from a friend, bought myself a […]

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Up for a challenge? This summer I’ll be running 5K everyday throughout August. I’m currently reading a book about habits, apparently it is human nature to constantly repeat things that we do each day, both good and bad. (oh hey Nutella) Personally, I think that I have quite an addictive personality, I never do anything […]

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Session 4 I’ve just had my forth session which was great. We started with running, interval training and building up to a faster and faster pace. We finished the session with strength exercises and a little bit of stretching . I like the fact that Adrienne knows exactly how I want to look ( yes, […]

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Earlier this week I started training with a new client, Alexandra Wood. Alex is an award winning bespoke mens suit designer & a mother to three. After the school run, she  heads to her London showroom, based in Savile Row. Oh, and I should probably mention that Alex is getting married next year. Congratulations! Alex has kindly […]