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Winter has a bad reputation when it comes to health & wellness. There’s less daylight each day so we spend less time outside, and more time snuggled up on the couch with Netflix and a jar of Nutella. (maybe that’s just me!) The lack of sunshine not only affects how active we are but also […]

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I’ve never used protein powders before but with all my extra training this month, I real need to make sure that I’m getting enough protein each day. I’m leading a bootcamp each morning throughout January as well as training for the Cambridge half marathon. This morning I tried Neat nutrition‘s Berry flavoured Whey powder. I […]

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This one is delicious !!! 1/2 a tsp Cinnamon 1/2 a tsp Cocoa Almond Milk 1 Banana One tsp of Almond Butter One tsp of Nutella 2 Ice Cubes I love this smoothie as a sweet treat, it’s the perfect recovery drink after a tough workout. I have been gradually increasing my running milage over […]

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Have you even been tempted to become a vegan? I have a few vegan friends & although these days it seems like all of the ‘cool kids’ are giving it a go, it’s not as easy as simply ordering a bean burger & switching to soya. Veganism isn’t just about what you eat, it causes […]

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Last week I met up with the lovely Natalie Goodchild for breakfast at 26 Grains. A tiny porridge restaurant that specialises in delicious wholesome grain based dishes. We had trouble deciding what to order from their mouth watering menu, as everything looked so delicious. In the end, I ordered a bowl of Banana & Cocao […]

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Earlier this week I attended a party at Frame Kings Cross to celebrate the opening of their awesome new fitness studios! I left the party with a bag packed full of healthy goodies, one of which was a pack of Naturya Organic Wheatgrass Powder. I’ve only ever had fresh wheatgrass shots from juice bars before, […]

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Soya Milk, Strawberries, Blueberries, Banana & Mint. This mornings strawberry milkshake. . . . Top Tip – I always have berries in the freezer, that way if I haven’t been shopping and we’re out of fresh fruit, I can just add a few frozen berries to a smoothie or to my porridge etc. Jude calls […]

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This milkshake is sooooo delicious!! & it’s the perfect refuel after my friday morning run. Here is my super simple recipe for the ultimate dairy free banana milkshake! Blend one large banana, half a glass of soya milk, a couple of ice cubes & . . . (one big spoonful of Sweedish Glace Vanilla Soya […]

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    This is my recipe for a delicious green pasta sauce. It only takes 15 minutes to make, so it’s perfect for a quick and easy mid-week meal. Pasta is my sons favourite food, so I try to create my own sauces and I’ll add different veggies and herbs. It’s a great way to […]

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Today, I felt tired & I needed a bit of a boost. I resisted the temptation to grab a spoon and dive head first into the Nutella jar! Instead I made this delicious smoothie . . . Coconut water is packed full of goodness, it’s great for rehydrating after exercise. (Also a good hangover cure) […]